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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rodeo Cruelty - the truth behind the myth

Although the Rodeo associations claim very few animals are injured and killed in rodeos, SHARK's Steve Hindi has a different opinion and the evidence to back it up. This candid conversation deals with the animal abuse in Rodeo and also touches on their mighty sponsors and more.


For more about this topic see:


  1. Agreed, Many rodeo producers look the other way for this kind of abuse, but to use the all encompassing use of Rodeo as in all rodeo's I think is a little too broad. Definitely going to listen to the whole interview. I've been to rodeos and I have seen some animals do some crazy things, and some people kill themselves to protect those animals during the rodeo.

    ^_^ Always a great time and something interesting on your show for everyone. Thanks Thomas for all your hard work.

  2. I learned a lot. Good points made here. Yeah, a bit bad on Rodeo. My eyes were opened a bit. Going to take some time to make any decisions on how to think about Rodeo, but yeah, I can see how Rodeo is torment for the animals.

    Kind of like horse racing, and dog racing and other animal sports. But, I'm not a vegan, so I fully expect to eat a rodeo bull past his prime, or horse.

    Your show always gives me a lot to think about.
