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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Protesting the badger cull – giving a voice to the cause

Before moving to France a couple of years ago, ARA and musicians Tim Bragg lived very close to where badger culls are taking place these days. Very much emotionally connected to these magnificent beings Tim wrote a song to protest the culls.

This conversation not only talks about the badger cull but also touches on the abuse of other sentient beings like the Moon Bears, song writing and using art as a means to highlight atrocities.

Don’t miss this


Get Tim's song HERE
Visit Tim on Facebook: Here and Here
Check Tim out on youtube
Email Tim here


Surabaya, Indonesia’s second - largest city with a population of  over 3 million people has an atrocious Zoo where a giraffe was found dead with twenty plastic bags in her stomach, tigers were poisoned and monkey’s with TB run around untreated and unchecked, probably passing it on to others.

The zoo is nor tun by experts but by the mayor of Surabaya.

Cee4life’s Sybelle Foxcroft has all the news about the case and talks to us in-depth about it.


Read the press release mentioned in the interview HERE 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Help Romania's Dogs

(photo credit: H.Mennicke)

Following the death of a 4-year-old boy, supposedly through a stray dog, Romania is on a rampage to kill every stray dog in the country. Stray dogs have long been a big issue in Romania and many animal rights groups in Romania and elsewhere have critisized the cruel treatment of animals there..

WILD TIME’s Thomas Janak talked to Vlad Dumitrescu, a civil engeneer in Bucarest, who has a very sensible view of his countries’ current actions against dogs.The conversation touches on many things including hysteria, corruption and possible solutions.

It also shows how divided the country is and how many people in Romania do care about the stray dogs and are doing a lot to help.

Help also comes from further afield. Wild Time talks to Izza Siebert from “Gegen Tierquaelerei” who hails from Germany. Izza and others of her group are currently organising numerous trips to Bucarest to not only feed many of the dogs there but also to get some of them out of Romania and into new homes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

She also tells us about the many difficulties helpers are facing and they also need financial support in order to rescue and feed dogs. You can donate here:

Spendenkonto: Katzenhilfe Türkei e.V.
Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg
Konto: 301 114 26
BLZ: 604 500 50
Verwendungszweck: Hilfe für Rumänien!

From outside of Germany:
IBAN: DE13604500500030111426

Please mention: „Help for Romania“

LISTEN HERE to the conversations

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Animal Cruelty, Antisocial Behaviour, and Aggression: More than a Link – in conversation with Professor Eleonora Gullone.

Professor Eleonora Gullone has researched Animal Cruelty, Antisocial Behaviour, and Aggression (also the title of her book) since the mid 1980s. On WILD TIME she tells us just how deep (and disturbing) the link goes. This is a must-listen-to conversation. This is part three of our 'making the link between animal abuse and human abuse' series.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Fire Salamanders could soon be gone forever - in conversation with Matt Ellerbeck

Fire Salamanders are suffering huge decline in the Netherlands and scientists don't know why. Although it is known that a fungus called "BS" is wreaking havoc on salamander populations, much more research needs to be done.

RAVON, the Reptile, Amphibian and Fish Conservation Netherlands is setting up breeding and captive facilities to help the remaining population, which has shrunk to a mere 4 %.

WILD TIME has talked to salamander conservationist Matt Ellerbeck about the fire salamanders and more.

Listen to the interview HERE

Visit the Save The Salamanders website HERE

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vegan Information Project - in conversation with sociologist Roger Yates

WILD TIME's Thomas Janak welcomes back sociologist Roger Yates who has been on the show numerous times. Today we talked about the Vegan Information Project (VIP), a project dedicated to run and organise vegan-based educational events in Temple Bar, Dublin / Republic of Ireland.