Frank L. Hoffman from "the Mary T and Frank L Hoffman Foundation" says: "We are a Biblically based organization, and believe that our call to mission is to restore God's original creation intent of a plant based diet (Genesis 1:29-30).We believe that a vital part of God's plan is to have His people be stewards of His earthly creation, and perhaps beyond, and to "rule" over it in such a way as to protect it from harm. Additionally, we are to "subdue", through peaceful means, all evil that seeks to cause harm to any portion of creation (Genesis 1:26-28).We believe we have been called as sons and daughters (children) of God to counteract the cruelty and damage that has been and continues to be inflicted upon the earth and all its inhabitants, for the whole of creation has been waiting and groaning for such individuals even until this very day (Romans 8:18-25)" - reason enough for WILD TIME to talk to him.
Visit Frank's website